The Multipurpose Room was filled with onesies and socks and diapers and glimpses of pinks and pastels all over! The energy was high as people generously donated in support of a family expecting triplets this April!

We were overwhelmed by how fully our parish community stood behind the baby shower, providing a pack n’ play full of gifts and outfits, wrote notes of encouragement for the mom-to-be and her family, and gave from the heart to someone they’ve never even met. God is at work in the hearts of our parish family as we make our efforts intentional as we support life and helping moms, dads, and families choose life and be able to support the life they are bringing into the world.
Final Total
We look forward to sharing the final total for donations made at this weekend’s baby shower, and sharing all of the ways in which the funds will be used. Stay tuned for an update later this week!
Thank you, Faithful Families planning committee!

The women pictured above were responsible for the initial idea to host a baby shower, the planning and organizational efforts involved in pulling the entire event together, organizing volunteers, and creatively turning the Multipurpose Room into a beautiful celebration of life for triplets on the way. Thank you Faithful Families ladies for your passion and energy for HELP Pregnancy and finding new ways to celebrate and support life in our parish!