Holy Spirit Religious Education assists parents in fulfilling their duty and role as the Domestic Church. Our goal is to work with parents to provide an environment that fosters a relationship with the Trinity through prayer, scripture, and Church Tradition. Children will be exposed to scripture, doctrine, various prayer opportunities, and small group discussion and activities to help them relate their faith to their daily life. It is important that the parents take an active role in witnessing their own faith to their children through active participation in the sacraments and their own continued faith development.
Wednesday Night Religious Education: This program is for children attending public schools in Grades 1-8. It is from 6:30-7:45PM in the school building. Contact the Religious Education Office at (616) 453-1591 or dschoof@hsparish.org now to register your child for the 2024-2025 school year especially if you have a First Grade student. We want to be sure that we have enough catechists prepared. Registration materials will be mailed home in August.
Catechists: We are always looking for adults willing to live out their baptismal call by sharing their faith and the Good News with our youngsters. If you are interested in being a catechist or helper for this program, contact dschoof@hsparish.org for an interview now so training can be started over the summer months.
Sacramental Preparation for Children: Children in both Holy Spirit School and the Wednesday Night Religious Education program prepare for the celebration of the sacraments of:
Tutoring: Tutoring is available for older children who have gaps or have had no previous formal Catholic religious education. Tutoring can be arranged for children beyond the traditional age of reception to prepare them to celebrate specific sacraments. Call (616) 453-1591 for more information.