What a privilege it is to distribute the Body of Christ to His Church. Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend liturgies. Given the size of our parish, new ministers are always in demand. Ministers volunteer for one of the weekend Mass times according to the schedule created in the Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) app.

Serving as a Eucharistic Minister involves two trainings:
1) As part of the Eucharistic Revival, all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will undergo training on the Diocesan norms provided by our diocese. The next training session will be held on Monday, March 3 from 7:00-8:30 pm at St. Mary’s in Big Rapids. To register for this session, click here and scroll about 3/4 of the way down the page to register for the proper training.

2) Holy Spirit will host a secondary training here in the sanctuary in order for you to understand the process of serving as a Eucharistic Minister in our church, signing in, scheduling, numbering, etc. This date will be forthcoming. Thank you for your patience!

Contact: Diane Schoof at dschoof@hsparish.org or (616) 453-1591