We reached our 2023 CSA Goal! On behalf of Fr. Mark and the Parish Staff, thank you for giving generously to help support the many programs and supportive diocesan ministries that have a ripple effect in our community!
The Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) is an annual effort to reach out to people in our 11 counties in a variety of ways, including through seminarian and deacon formation; youth programming; support for the homebound and incarcerated; families who are struggling; the hungry, and the homeless. Through the CSA, we are strengthened in Christ and we can respond with joy. We all work together to care for the Church by sharing the gifts God has granted us.
Our parish goal for 2023 is $246,480 and 100% participation, which means every parishioner should return their pledge card, even if that pledge is $0 for you this year. Every gift, regardless of the amount, is important in this effort. Please join us!